Having a great credit score is essential to obtaining financial stability. The best way to look at credit is to see it as your financial power. No matter how much you make, there are times when you'll need to harness that financial power to make substantial purchases.
For example, most people need an auto loan to buy a car or a mortgage to finance a house. Credit is loaned money based on the promise that you'll repay what you borrow later. The higher your credit score, the more likely you are to qualify for loans and revolving lines of credit. A credit builder app can help you avoid dings to your score, making it easier to obtain credit.
Types of Credit You Can Get
There are two main types of credit available.
The first is an installment loan. These loans cover specific purchases, and your agreement with lenders involves paying for the loan in multiple installments. The most common forms of installment loans include mortgages, student loans and car notes.
The second type of credit you can get is revolving credit. With a revolving line of credit, you can purchase anything. There's a monetary limit on how much you can spend. You pay back the amount you spend over time. As you do so, you reduce your balance and make more credit available. Credit cards are the most common form of revolving credit.
Maintaining and Improving Your Credit Score
Your credit score is what lenders use to determine your creditworthiness. It reflects your ability to repay loans on time. Keeping your score high is paramount. Low scores indicate higher risks for lenders, making them more hesitant to provide loans or lines of credit.
Paying your bills on time is the best way to maintain your credit. Use a credit builder app to avoid late payments and the excessive fees that come with them.
Late fees can show up as a negative mark on your credit report. Furthermore, they can continue to affect your score for several years. Many factors contribute to your creditworthiness, but on-time payments are among the most significant.
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