Are you looking for ways to spend a little less money when you make your Florida Power and Light bill payment online? You've come to the right place.
Keeping your home cool and comfortable is always a priority in the Florida heat. But you don't have to spend a fortune every month to do it. Here are some tips that can significantly reduce your power bill without sacrificing the comfort you need.
Unplug Electronics
The current trend in electronic design is to maintain "always on" operations. That might help with faster boot-up times and provide some convenience to how you use your electronics. But from an energy standpoint, it's a big waste.
Think about unplugging those gadgets that like to stay on even after use. You can also look at some of those sources of "vampire power." We're talking about microwaves, toasters, digital clocks, and other appliances that like to slowly drain power from your outlets.
Making a habit of unplugging your electronics can make a big difference.
Switch to LED Bulbs
Did you know that LED bulbs use about 75 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs? Not only that, but they last about 25 times longer!
Switching your entire home to LED bulbs can dramatically reduce your light bill. Don't worry: You don't have to do it all at once. Make a habit of swapping out bulbs with LED alternatives when they blow out. In a few years, you should have an entirely LED home.
Maintain Weatherproofing
Here's something people don't think much about when making their Florida Power and Light bill payment online. Weatherproofing plays a big part in your home's overall energy efficiency. Think about the stark difference you feel when you walk into an air-conditioned home after being in the humid Florida heat.
There's a significant change; staying comfortable is about keeping that cool air inside. Good weatherproofing essentially seals and insulates your home. It helps maintains the cooler temperature, letting your air conditioner run less frequently.
Read a similar article about bill tracking app here at this page.